

OneNET Device Activation Code Charging Notification

Dear Customers,

Starting today, the OneNET IoT open platform will officially charge for device activation codes (device Licenses). To ensure your devices continue to connect and use the OneNET platform smoothly, please purchase and activate the required device activation codes promptly.

Introduction to OneNET Platform

The OneNET platform, developed by China Mobile, is an IoT PaaS platform that supports rapid access to various network environments and protocol types. It offers rich APIs and application templates, reducing the cost of IoT application development and deployment.

New Charging Policy

  • Billing Unit: Device activation codes are prepaid products, billed by quantity. Each device consumes one activation code.
  • Billing Price: Each activation code is priced at 2.5 CNY, valid for 5 years.
  • Bonus Policy: New users will receive 10 activation codes for personal verification and 500 activation codes for enterprise verification.

Device Activation Code Usage Process

  1. Login to the Platform: Enter the OneNET platform and log in.
  2. Purchase Activation Codes: Buy activation code packages in the developer center and complete the payment.
  3. Check Activation Code Quantity: Check the total quantity, allocatable quantity, and validity period of the activation codes in the billing center.
  4. Allocate Activation Codes: Allocate activation codes to products on the device access and management page.
  5. Use Activation Codes: When registering new devices, the system will check the activation code quantity to ensure successful device connection.

Please Purchase and Activate in Time

Please log in to the OneNET platform as soon as possible to purchase and activate the required device activation codes. If you have any questions, please contact the OneNET platform.


Post time: Jul-24-2024